Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Differences between Temp Tables and Table Variable

Top 15 differences between Temporary Tables and Table Variables in SQL Server:

1. Performance: 

A temporary table works faster if we have a large dataset. 

We can create indexes that can be optimized by the query optimizer.

The table variable works faster if the dataset is small.

Faster because the table variable is stored in memory.

2. Storage: 

The TempDB database houses temporary tables.

Table variables are compact and memory-based.

3. Lifetime: 

Until we remove the table or the session expires, a temporary table is accessible.

However, after the batch or operation is finished, it is immediately erased from the table variable.

4. Indexing: 

We can create indexes on temporary tables.

But we can't create indexes on table variables.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tips to minimise TempDB utilisation in Microsoft SQL Server


As we aware, Tempdb is very important system database which is used to store temporary data. Various database operations require temporary space during sorting, grouping, and joining.

Few tips are given below to minimise TempDB utilisation:

1. Optimise queries before releasing on server: The size of temporary data in TempDB will increase if the query is written poorly. So optimise your query properly before releasing on the server.

2. Avoid Using Cursors: Cursor works on row by row and one row at a time.  Avoid using cursors in your code block or SP to avoid this issue.
3. Data type also plays important role.  Use the data type of column properly.

4. Store Data and Log Files on different drives to get better Read-Write performance.

5. Size of tempdb: Keep close eye on TempDB size & add more space if needed. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Top 10 best practices for SQL developers to boost query performance


Writing a query to fulfill the requirement is not only a task for SQL developers. Developers need to think about the performance part also.

Several best practices are available to optimize query performance which will help us to run our database smoothly. 

A few best practices are described below to boost query performance:

1. Cursors are resource intensive & degrade query performance significantly. Cursors execute the query one by one row at a time. If possible, avoid cursor & use set-based operations, While loop etc.

2. Try to minimize network traffic by avoiding unnecessary columns in the SELECT statement. Select only those columns which are really required.

3. Use SET NOCOUNT ON to suppress the message which indicates the number of rows affected by a query. It'll reduce network traffic.

4. Use stored procedures with parameters to avoid SQL injection and improve query performance because stored procedures are pre-compiled.

5. Avoid subqueries in the SELECT list, WHERE clause, or HAVING clause. Subqueries impact the performance significantly.

6. Try to use views that will really simplify complex queries and improve query performance.  

7. Avoid using SELECT DISTINCT in the query to get unique data. We can use GROUP BY to remove duplicates, improving query performance.

8. Avoid unnecessary data type conversions in the query. Converting data types in the query is more expensive and affects query performance.

9. Use UNION in place of OR to combine multiple result sets. OR will be inefficient and slow.

10. Optimise joins properly to get better performance. Ensure the join columns should be indexed properly.


Q: What recommended practices for SQL developers should they follow to improve query performance?

Ans: By making good use of indexes, streamlining the database structure, minimizing pointless joins, employing the right data types, and tuning queries using WHERE clauses, SQL developers may improve query performance.

Q: Why do indexes matter for the effectiveness of queries?
Ans: By enabling the database to discover and retrieve specified data fast, indexes increase query speed by eliminating the need for entire table searches.

Q: How can I improve the speed of my database schema?
Ans: We should normalize data to remove redundancy, establish suitable links between rows, and refrain from utilizing an excessive number of superfluous tables to optimize the database structure.

Q: What effect do pointless joins have on query speed?
Ans: Joins that are not required might result in a bigger result set and cause unnecessary processing, which can dramatically reduce query speed.

Q: Why is using the right data types in SQL queries so important?
Ans: Utilising the appropriate data types guarantees effective storage utilization and lowers data conversion overhead, improving query performance.

Q: What advantages do query parameters provide over explicitly encoding values in SQL statements?
Ans: Utilising query parameters enhances query performance by preventing SQL injection and enabling the database to reuse query plans.

Q: What effects may database statistics have on the speed of a query?
Ans: UtilizingThe query optimizer is aided in decision-making by accurate and current database statistics, which results in more effective execution plans.

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