Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What are differences between FAT and NTFS?

Differences between FAT and NTFS

FAT is also known as File Allocation Table.

NTFS is also known as New Technology File System.

Both file systems technologies are different and used by multiple operating systems to manage and store data on storage devices like HDD or flash drive.

A few key differences between FAT and NTFS are given below for your reference:

1. File Size and Volume Size: 

The maximum file size in FAT32 is 4 GB and the maximum volume size is 2 TB. 

The maximum file size in NTFS is 16 EB and the maximum volume size is 256 TB.

2. Fragmentation:

Fragmentation in FAT is more likely than in NTFS. 

When a file is scattered across different sectors of a disk is known as Fragmentation which causes slow operations like reading values from a file. But in NTFS, it uses advanced concepts & methods to manage file allocation & reduces the possibility of fragmentation.

3. Fault Tolerance:

Fault Tolerance in NTFS is better than FAT. In case of a system crash or any disaster, NTFS can recover data more easily than FAT. But in FAT, we may face some data corruption or data loss-related issues.

4. Security:

Multiple security-related advanced features are available in NTFS which are not available in FAT. For example, file and folder permissions, encryption and auditing, etc.

5. Fault Tolerance:

NTFS has a better fault tolerance than FAT. 

In case of any disaster or system crash, we can recover data easily in NTFS but in FAT, we may face data corruption or loss.

6. Compatibility:

FAT file system is widely used by multiple operating systems. 

As we aware, the default file system for Windows is NTFS but macOS or Linux OS are not supporting NTFS.

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