Friday, April 7, 2023

How to Move System Database


To move system databases from one place to another is a complex process that requires proper planning and implementation steps. Step-by-step implementation plane to move system databases from one place to another is given below:

1. Proper Migration Plan is required.

2. If possible, include backup team to take cohesive / snapshot at their end.

3. Drop mail to application team for Pre-activity intimation.

4. Drop mail to monitoring team to include the server in maintenance mode.

5. Run the pre-health check for server as well as databases, services, drive spaces etc.

6. Drop mail to application team to stop related application before proceeding to move system database.

7. Take backup of all system databases if required.

8. Check the current configuration & update SQL Server configuration like below

    To check current details like Logical File Name, Path etc etc.

         SELECT name AS LogicalFileName, DB_Name(database_id) AS DBName,             Physical_name AS ActualFilePath FROM sys.master_files  

         WHERE database_id < 5 

Check System DB Name and Location

To update configuration, use below queries:

        --Model - For Data File

        ALTER DATABASE model

        MODIFY FILE( NAME = modeldev, FILENAME =                     'F:\MSSQL\SystemDatabases\SQLData\model.mdf' )

        --Model - For Log File 

        ALTER DATABASE model

        MODIFY FILE( NAME = modellog, FILENAME =     'L:\MSSQL\SystemDatabases\SQLLogs\modellog.ldf')

9. Now stop the SQL Server service.
Stop SQL Service

10. Move the system databases from current location to new location.

11. Start the SQL Server service.

Start SQL service

12. Validate using above SELECT query. 

13. Run the post activity health check on the server to validate all DB status, SQL services, any error in SQL error log etc.

14. After moving the system DB to new location, check DBs are online & accessible or not. If accessible, delete old database files & backup files to free up space.

15. Drop the mail to application team to validate the application.

16. Drop the mail to monitoring team to remove the server from maintenance mode.

17. Drop the mail to all stakeholder that the task has been completed successfully.


Q. SQL Server move system databases to another drive /
How to move system database files in SQL Server? / 
How to move SQL Server system databases to a new location ? / 
How to move SQL Server system database files to another drive? /
How to change system database location SQL Server?
A. All steps are given above. Please refer that steps. 

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