Friday, May 12, 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Install SQL Server 2019 on Linux

Install SQL Server 2019 on Linux


From SQL Server 2017, Microsoft has provided the option to install the SQL Server on Linux as well.

Why Choose SQL Server 2019 for Linux?

We can install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on a Linux environment & utilize the benefits of the Linux ecosystem. By installing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on Linux, we can use the power of RDBMS as well as the flexibility and open-source advantages of Linux.

SQL Server 2019 for Linux provides the facility to migrate SQL Server cross-platform smoothly, utilize enterprise-grade features, intelligent query processing, enhanced security, high availability, and support for big data clusters.

System Requirements

Before starting SQL Server installation, check whether the system meets the minimum requirements to run SQL Server 2019 or not. Now, SQL Server supports multiple distributions of Linux like Ubuntu 20.04 LTSRed Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 - 8.6 Server (RHEL), SUSE Enterprise Linux Server v15 (SP1 - SP3) (SLES),  and obliviously Docker Engine 1.8+ on Linux. The file system should be either XFS or EXT4.

System Requirements for Linux
At Least 2 GB
File System
Disk space
Around 6 GB
Processor Speed
2 GHz or Higher
Processor Cores
2 Cores
Processor Type
x64-compatible only
Use Case
Around 6 GB

BTRFS file system isn't supported.

If we are planning to use Network File System (NFS) remote shares in production, the following points need to consider: 

- Older versions of NFS aren't supported. So, use NFS version 4.2 or higher. 

- In the NFS mount, locate /var/opt/mssql directories. The SQL Server system binaries aren't supported. 

- The 'nolock' option should be used at NFS clients when mounting the remote share.

Preparing the Linux Environment:

Before starting the installation process, we need to prepare the Linux environment full proof to avoid any issues during installation. 

Update the latest versions of system packages.
Installing necessary prerequisites, if any. 
For security reasons, recommended to use a non-root user account to run SQL Server. 

Now, need to follow the steps below:

1. Update system packages:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

2. Install necessary dependencies:
    sudo apt install curl apt-transport-https

3. Import the Microsoft GPG key:
    curl | sudo apt-key add -

4. Register the Microsoft SQL Server Ubuntu repository:
    curl            server-2019.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-server.list

5. Update packages again:
    sudo apt update

6. Install SQL Server:
    sudo apt install mssql-server

The system will prompt us to accept User License Agreement and set a system administrator (SA) password.

7. After completion of SQL Server installation, execute the below command to check & verify the status of SQL Server service
    systemctl status mssql-server --no-pager

Above command will display the current status of the SQL Server service & check whether the services are running or not.

Configuring SQL Server 2019 

After installing SQL Server, now we need to configure the SQL Server 2019 to get the best performance and also to provide better security. 
Below steps need to follow:

a. Run the configuration utility:
    sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup

b. Now the system will prompt us to configure a few settings like SQL Server edition, to accept the license terms, and also to choose the authentication mode (either Windows or Mixed Mode).

c. If we opt for Mixed Mode authentication, need to provide and confirm the SA password.

d. Now we need to configure network settings like IP address and TCP port on which the server will listen to the user requests.

e. Also we can set the memory limit for SQL Server. This should be based on the total physical memory & we generally allocate 75% of total physical memory to SQL Server.

f. As per our client's/Organization's requirements, we can enable or disable SQL Server features.

g. After completing the SQL Server configuration, restart the SQL Server service using the below command:
    sudo systemctl restart mssql-server

Verifying the Installation

After installing SQL Server 2019 on the server/system, need to check & validate whether SQL Server 201 is correctly installed on the Linux system or not. 

Below steps need to follow:

a. Check the status of the SQL Server service:
    systemctl status mssql-server --no-pager

To check whether the SQL Services are active and running without any errors.

b. Now we can connect the SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or the command-line tool. For example, to connect using the command-line tool, run the following command:
    sqlcmd -S <ServerName> -U sa -P <Password>

c. Now execute a few T-SQL queries to check & confirm the functionality of the SQL Server.


Q: Can I install SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: Yes, Microsoft provides support for installing SQL Server 2019 on Linux distributions, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), and Ubuntu.

Q: What are the system requirements for installing SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: The system requirements for SQL Server 2019 on Linux depend on the specific Linux distribution we are using. Generally, we need a compatible 64-bit Linux distribution with a supported version, sufficient CPU, memory, and disk space, and a compatible network configuration.

Q: How can I download SQL Server 2019 for Linux?
A: we can download the SQL Server 2019 installation package for Linux directly from the official Microsoft website. Visit the Microsoft SQL Server Downloads page, select the Linux platform, and choose the appropriate installation package for our Linux distribution.

Q: Can I install SQL Server 2019 on any Linux distribution?
A: SQL Server 2019 is officially supported on specific Linux distributions, including RHEL, SLES, and Ubuntu. While it might be possible to install it on other distributions, Microsoft provides official support only for the listed distributions.

Q: What are the installation options for SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: SQL Server 2019 on Linux can be installed using various methods, including the command-line interface (CLI) using tools like mssql-conf and mssql-cli, or through graphical installation wizards provided by certain Linux distributions.

Q: Are there any step-by-step installation guides available for SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: Yes, Microsoft provides detailed documentation and step-by-step installation guides for installing SQL Server 2019 on Linux. we can find official installation guides on the Microsoft SQL Server documentation website specific to our Linux distribution.

Q: Can I use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to manage SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a Windows-only application and does not run natively on Linux. However, we can use alternative tools like Azure Data Studio or Visual Studio Code with the SQL Server extension to manage SQL Server 2019 on Linux.

Q: Is there any difference in features or functionality between SQL Server on Linux and SQL Server on Windows?
A: In terms of features and functionality, SQL Server on Linux provides the same core capabilities as SQL Server on Windows. However, there might be slight differences in platform-specific functionalities or specific features related to the operating system.

Q: Can I migrate an existing SQL Server database from Windows to Linux?
A: Yes, we can migrate an existing SQL Server database from Windows to Linux. Microsoft provides tools like the Data Migration Assistant (DMA) and the Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) to help with the migration process.

Q: Is SQL Server 2019 on Linux compatible with high availability and disaster recovery configurations?
A: Yes, SQL Server 2019 on Linux supports high availability and disaster recovery configurations, including Always On Availability Groups and failover clustering. we can configure these features to ensure the availability and resilience of our SQL Server deployment.

Q: Are there any known limitations or compatibility issues with SQL Server 2019 on Linux?
A: While SQL Server 2019 on Linux provides comprehensive functionality, there might be some limitations or compatibility issues to consider. It is recommended to review the official Microsoft documentation and release notes for any specific limitations or known issues related to our Linux distribution and SQL Server version.

Q: Can I use SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) or SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) on Linux?
A: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) are not available for Linux. They are Windows-only components of SQL Server. However, Microsoft has introduced Power BI Report Server, which is a web-based reporting solution that runs on Linux and supports Power BI reports.

Q: Can I run SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) on Linux?
A: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a Windows-only component and does not run natively on Linux. However, we can consider using alternative ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools that have Linux compatibility, such as Apache NiFi, Talend, or Pentaho.

Q: Is SQL Server on Linux as secure as SQL Server on Windows?
A: SQL Server on Linux provides the same level of security features and mechanisms as SQL Server on Windows. Microsoft has implemented various security features, such as transparent data encryption, Always Encrypted, and row-level security, to protect data on both platforms. However, it is important to keep the Linux operating system and SQL Server up to date with security patches and follow best practices for securing the overall environment.

Q: Can I use SQL Server on Linux for production environments?
A: Yes, SQL Server on Linux is suitable for production environments. Microsoft has put significant effort into ensuring stability, performance, and security for SQL Server on Linux. It is important to thoroughly test our specific workload and consider the system requirements and performance considerations before deploying SQL Server on Linux in a production environment.

Q: Can I connect to SQL Server on Linux from Windows machines?
A: Yes, we can connect to SQL Server on Linux from Windows machines using various tools and client applications, such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Azure Data Studio, or command-line utilities like sqlcmd or bcp. Ensure that the necessary network configurations are in place, such as firewall rules and network connectivity, to establish a connection between the Windows machine and the SQL Server instance on Linux.

Q: Can I use SQL Server on Linux with containerization technologies like Docker?
A: Yes, SQL Server on Linux can be used with containerization technologies like Docker. Microsoft provides official Docker images for SQL Server, making it easier to deploy and manage SQL Server instances within Docker containers.

Q: Can I install SQL Server 2019 on Linux without internet access?
A: Yes, it is possible to install SQL Server 2019 on Linux without internet access. we can download the installation package and dependencies on a machine with internet access and then transfer them to the Linux machine. The installation process can be performed offline by specifying the local package locations during installation.

Q: Can I use SQL Server on Linux in a mixed environment with Windows-based SQL Server instances?
A: Yes, SQL Server on Linux can be used in a mixed environment with Windows-based SQL Server instances. we can have Windows-based SQL Server instances and Linux-based SQL Server instances coexist and communicate with each other as needed. Ensure that network connectivity and appropriate permissions are configured to facilitate communication between the different instances.

Q: Is there a free edition of SQL Server available for Linux?
A: Yes, Microsoft offers a free edition of SQL Server called SQL Server 2019 Express Edition. This edition is also available for Linux and provides a feature-limited, but still functional, version of SQL Server that can be used for development, testing, or small-scale deployments.

Q: Where can I find support and documentation for SQL Server on Linux?
A: Microsoft provides comprehensive support and documentation for SQL Server on Linux. we can access official documentation, knowledge base articles, community forums, and support resources on the Microsoft SQL Server website.

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