Tuesday, May 16, 2023

DBCC Commands in Microsoft SQL Server - DBA should know - Part - 3



To get detailed statistical information on the density of data of a particular table or index, in SQL Server, we have the DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS command.


Another DBCC Informational command is SHOW_STATISTICS. It is used to validate the statistics of an index or table. It displays in-depth details of the data distribution of a database object which helps database administrators at the time of query analysis & optimizing query performance.



DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS (<TableName>,<IndexName>);


DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS ('EmpMaster', 'IX_EmpMaster_DeptID');


This DBCC command offers multiple benefits:

1. Query Optimization:

It helps database administrators to decide whether the new index is required or needs to modify the existing index or need to remove any existing index to improve the performance of a query. 

2. Performance Tuning:
Helps database administrators to identify performance bottlenecks in the database. It provides a facility to fetch statistical details like the density of data, histogram, and cardinality details which helps administrators to fine-tune the indexes of a database and improve the performance of the database/query.

3. Troubleshooting:
It helps to troubleshoot issues like slow-performing queries. Using this, we can easily identify missing or outdated statistics. So, we can update or create statistics to improve execution plans which will provide better performance of a query.

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