Monday, May 29, 2023

What are Dynamic Management Views in SQL Server? Part - 4

16. DMVs for the query store:

The prefix "sys.dm_exec_query_plan_forcing_" identifies it.
sys.dm_exec_query_store and sys.dm_exec_query_store_text are two examples.

a) Sys.query_store_query:


The [sys].[query_store_query] system view is a potent tool for improving query speed in the context of SQL Server. It enables database administrators and developers to fine-tune their queries, pinpoint performance bottlenecks, and make data-driven choices by giving them access to crucial information about query execution plans and statistics. In this article, we'll examine the benefits of utilizing sys.query_store_query, dig into its query syntax, and present a number of examples to show how it may be used in real-world scenarios.

Benefits of using Sys.query_store_query:

There are various benefits to using Sys.query_store_query in SQL Server, making it a useful tool for query optimization:

Insights into query performance: Sys.query_store_query enables access to detailed information on query performance. You may identify inefficiencies and make specific changes by looking at the execution plans, resource utilization, and query data.

Finding performance bottlenecks: By using the data supplied by Sys.query store_query, you may locate queries that use up too many resources or execute slowly. This knowledge helps us to concentrate our optimization efforts on key areas and improve system performance as a whole.

Analyzing Historical Query: Analyzing historical query data enables us to follow the evolution of query behavior. Sys.query_store_query saves historical data regarding query performance. This historical study aids in the discovery of trends, the planning of potential improvements, and the comparison of performance before and after modifications.

The SQL stores runtime and performance-related details in a specific DMV, that is sys.dm_exec_query_stats.

  Query_ID [QueryID],
  QSQT.Query_SQL_Text AS [SQL Statement],
  [Text] AS [Query Batch Text]
FROM sys.Query_Store_Query QSQ
CROSS APPLY sys.DM_Exec_SQL_Text(last_compile_batch_sql_handle)
INNER JOIN sys.Query_Store_Query_Text QSQT
  ON QSQ.query_text_id = QSQT.query_text_id;

Query Store Query


Sys.query_store_query is a powerful feature in SQL Server for optimizing query performance. By providing access to query execution details, statistics, and historical data, it empowers users to analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize queries effectively. Leveraging the capabilities of Sys.query_store_query allows us to gain valuable insights, identify performance bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall efficiency and performance of our SQL Server environment.

Regularly analyzing query performance and optimizing queries using Sys.query_store_query ensures that our database operates optimally and delivers optimal performance to users.

b) Sys.query_store_query_text:


The Sys.query_store_query_text system view for SQL Server is a potent tool for getting an in-depth analysis of query performance. It enables database administrators and developers to optimize their queries, find performance bottlenecks, and make data-driven choices by giving access to query text, execution statistics, and historical data. In this article, we'll examine the benefits of utilizing sys.query_store_query_text, examine its query syntax, and present a number of examples to show how it may be used in real-world scenarios.

Sys.query_store_query_text's benefits:

Utilizing Sys.query_store_query_text in SQL Server has the following benefits, which make it an important tool for query optimization:

Analysis and optimization of queries: The text of queries actually run by the system is provided by Sys.query_store_query_text. This gives programmers and database managers the ability to examine query logic, spot possible problems, and improve queries for increased efficiency.

Performance troubleshooting: Sys.query_store_query_text aids in performance debugging by reviewing query text and associated execution statistics. In order to facilitate focused performance-tuning efforts, it enables users to discover queries with excessive resource utilization, lengthy execution durations, or inefficient execution plans.

Analyzing Historical Query: Sys.query_store_query_text holds historical information about query execution for historical query analysis. In doing so, users are able to analyze query behavior over time, analyze performance changes, and compare query performance before and after optimizations.

SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS ServerName,DB_NAME(DB_ID()) AS DatabaseName, 
    qsqt.Query_Text_ID AS [QueryTextID],
    qsqt.Query_SQL_Text AS [SQL Query]
    sys.query_store_query_text AS qsqt;

Query Store Query Text


Sys.query_store_query_text is a powerful tool for optimizing query performance in SQL Server. Providing access to query text, execution statistics, and historical data, it allows us to analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize queries effectively. Leveraging the capabilities of Sys.query_store_query_text empowers we to identify performance bottlenecks, uncover query patterns, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall efficiency and performance of our SQL Server environment.

Remember to regularly analyze and optimize our queries using Sys.query_store_query_text to ensure that our database performs optimally and delivers a seamless user experience.

17. DMVs for in-memory OLTP:

The prefix "sys.dm_db_xtp_" serves as an identifier.
Examples are sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files and sys.dm_db_xtp_gc_cycle_stats.


1. Introduction of sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
2. What exactly is sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
3. Benefits of using sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
4. Making use of sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
5. Required access to run sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files 
6. Illustrative sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
7. Summary
8. FAQs


In the area of database administration, processing data effectively and efficiently is essential for preserving system performance and dependability. Sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files is one such utility that assists in controlling and monitoring the condition of a SQL Server database. The benefits, usage, and permission needed to use this potent feature will all be covered in this article along with several useful examples.

Sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files: What do they do?

A dynamic management view (DMV) in SQL Server called sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files gives details on the files related to the In-Memory OLTP capability. It enables checkpoint files for memory-optimized tables and indexes to be better understood by database administrators and developers.

Benefits of sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files
Better Performance Monitoring:

Administrators may better track the performance of memory-optimized tables and indexes with the aid of sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files. The information in this DMV about the checkpoint files, including the file path, size, and condition, enables administrators to see possible performance bottlenecks and take the necessary countermeasures.

Improved Troubleshooting Tools:

Sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files appears to be a useful tool in troubleshooting circumstances. Administrators may learn vital details about the checkpoint files, including the quantity of pending IOs, IO failures, and more, by accessing this DMV. With the use of this data, memory-optimized tables and indexes-related problems may be diagnosed more quickly, resulting in less downtime.

Making use of the sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files:

One may do a quick T-SQL query against this DMV to take advantage of the capabilities of sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files. In a given SQL Server database, the query gets details about checkpoint files related to memory-optimized tables and indexes. Here's an illustration:

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files;

A complete listing of the checkpoint files' file IDs, locations, sizes, statuses, and other details will be included in the result set.

Required Permission to Launch sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files:

Users need the VIEW DATABASE STATE permission on the target database in order to query the sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files. This permission can be given to authorized users or roles by database administrators or users with the necessary rights. To protect the security and integrity of the database, it is crucial to make sure that access to this DMV is only given to reputable organizations.

Sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_file illustrations:

Example 1: Examining Checkpoint File Specifications

Let's say we have an "OrdersDB" database with memory-optimized tables and indexes. The following query may be used to acquire details about the checkpoint files connected to these objects:

USE OrdersDB;

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files;

Details such as file IDs, file locations, sizes, and statuses will be displayed for the checkpoint files of memory-optimized tables and indexes in the "OrdersDB" database.

Example 2: Checkpoint File State Monitoring

The following query might be useful in situations when monitoring the condition of checkpoint files is critical:

USE OrdersDB;
SELECT State, State_Desc FROM sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files;

The state and state description of the checkpoint files associated with memory-optimized tables and indexes in the "OrdersDB" database are returned by this query.


Finally, sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files is a useful dynamic management view in SQL Server that offers information about the checkpoint files associated with memory-optimized tables and indexes. Database administrators may use this functionality to monitor performance, solve issues, and gather critical information for optimal database administration. It is critical to ensure that the proper permissions are issued to authorized persons or roles in order to preserve the database's security and integrity.


Q1: Can sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files be used with tables that are not optimized for memory?
Ans: No, sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files is intended to function with memory-optimized tables and indexes.

Q2: Can the checkpoint files be modified using sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files?
Ans: No, sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files is a read-only dynamic management view that contains information about checkpoint files but cannot be modified.

Q3: Do you need a certain SQL Server version or edition to use sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files?
Ans: SQL Server 2014 and subsequent versions, including Enterprise and Standard editions, provide sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files.

Q4: How often should the sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files table be queried?
Ans: The frequency with which you query sys.dm_db_xtp_checkpoint_files is determined by your monitoring and troubleshooting requirements. It is advised that it be included in routine monitoring practices or troubleshooting scenarios.

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