Thursday, May 4, 2023

What is Eager Writer in SQL server?

What is Eager Writer?

Microsoft SQL Server provides a mechanism to enhance write performance on a database. 

This mechanism is used to write to disk immediately or synchronously after it is changed or updated.

This feature enables faster writes to the disk which writes data pages in a more efficient manner

It does not wait for Lazy Writer to come into the picture & write the data to the disk.

The lazy writer writes dirty pages from the buffer cache to the disk asynchronously in batches.

How does Eager Writer work?

When a data page is changed or updated, the system marks that page as dirty & queued to write on the disk. The lazy writer picks that pages & writes on the disk. But if the eager writer is enabled, changed/updated data pages are written to disk synchronously. This feature really enhances writing performance by reducing no. of I/O operations.

How to enable Eager Writer?

We can enable the eager writer feature in the SQL server by changing the database property which is "Page Verify" to "Checksum". To set this property, need to go "Options" tab of the Database Properties. We can set this feature on a database basis. It means, if we have 10 databases on our SQL instance & we want to enable this feature on all databases, we need to set it individually for each database.

Advantages of Eager Writer:

1. Enhance Write Performance: The eager writer feature really enhances writing performance by reducing no. of I/O operations

2. Less Recovery Time: The eager writer also minimizes recovery time. Actually, it minimizes no. of dirty pages in the buffer cache which minimizes recovery time.

3. Improved availability: Eager writer also improves the availability of databases by reducing the dirty data page writing time to disk.

Disadvantages of Eager Writer:

1. Resource Utilisation: As we know, It works on synchronous writes to disk which may increase CPU and/or I/O resource usage on the server.

2. Possibility of data loss: In some failure scenarios, It may increase the possibility of data loss. For example, in case of power failures,  data loss is possible because the data pages may not have been written to disk before failure.

Benefits of Eager Writing:

The benefit of enabling Eager Writing in MS SQL Server is to get improved database performance. By enabling Eager Writer, it reduces the number of disk reads and allows faster retrieval of data.

Impact of Eager Writing on Disk I/O:
As we know, eager writing writes data pages synchronously to disk, It may also increase disk I/O & negatively impact the performance of the overall system. Writing data to the disk is really a time-consuming operation that can impact other I/O operations.

Limitations of Eager Writing:
It has some limitations which must be considered at the time of enabling Eager Writer in SQL Server.
Limitations are:

Eager Writer may increase disk I/O.
It needs sufficient space in the drive to store the data.


Q: What is the Eager Writer in SQL Server?

A: Refer above article.

Q: How does the Eager Writer work in SQL Server?

A: Refer above article.

Q: Why is the Eager Writer important in SQL Server?

A: Refer above article.

Q: Does the Eager Writer impact SQL Server performance?

A: Refer above article.

Q: Can the Eager Writer be configured or tuned in SQL Server?

A: Yes, the Eager Writer can be configured by adjusting checkpoint intervals and the number of concurrent writer threads.

Q: Are there any alternatives to the Eager Writer in SQL Server?

A: The Eager Writer works in conjunction with other mechanisms like the Lazy Writer to manage the buffer pool.

Q: Can the Eager Writer be monitored in SQL Server?

A: Yes, SQL Server provides monitoring tools like Profiler, Extended Events, and DMVs to track Eager Writer activity and performance.

Q: What is the purpose of the Eager Writer in SQL Server?

A: The purpose of the Eager Writer in SQL Server is to write modified or dirty pages from the buffer pool to disk, ensuring data durability and optimizing memory usage.

Q: How does the Eager Writer differ from the Lazy Writer in SQL Server?

A: The Eager Writer writes dirty pages to disk proactively, whereas the Lazy Writer writes aged-out pages during memory pressure situations. They work together to manage the buffer pool efficiently.

Q: How can I monitor the Eager Writer's activity in SQL Server?

A: You can monitor the Eager Writer's activity using performance monitoring tools like SQL Server Profiler, Extended Events, or dynamic management views (DMVs) that provide insights into checkpoint activity, disk I/O, and buffer pool utilization.

Q: Can the Eager Writer be disabled or turned off in SQL Server?

A: No, the Eager Writer cannot be disabled or turned off in SQL Server. It is a critical component responsible for maintaining data integrity and must remain active.

Q: Does the Eager Writer impact read operations in SQL Server?

A: The Eager Writer's primary impact is on write operations, as it writes modified pages to disk. Read operations are generally not significantly affected by the Eager Writer.

Q: Can I manually trigger a checkpoint operation by the Eager Writer in SQL Server?

A: While you cannot directly trigger a checkpoint operation by the Eager Writer, you can indirectly initiate a checkpoint by executing certain Transact-SQL commands or using SQL Server Management Studio options.

Q: Can I adjust the checkpoint interval for the Eager Writer in SQL Server?

A: Yes, you can configure the checkpoint interval by modifying the recovery interval setting in SQL Server. This allows you to control how frequently the Eager Writer performs checkpoint operations.

Q: What happens if the Eager Writer encounters an error during the write operation?

A: If the Eager Writer encounters an error during the write operation, it may log an error message in the SQL Server error log. The error handling mechanism ensures that the database remains in a consistent state.

Q: Can the Eager Writer impact disk I/O performance in SQL Server?

A: The Eager Writer can increase disk I/O activity, especially during heavy write operations. However, SQL Server is designed to optimize disk I/O and balance it with other operations to minimize performance impact.

Q: Does the Eager Writer exist in other database management systems (DBMS) besides SQL Server?

A: The Eager Writer is specific to SQL Server and its architecture. Other DBMS may have similar background processes or mechanisms to handle write operations, but they may be implemented differently.

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