Monday, May 15, 2023

DBCC Commands in Microsoft SQL Server - DBA should know - Part - 2



To defragment indexes in the database, we can use the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG command. Actually, when we fire the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG command in SQL Server, it runs & tries to reduce fragmentation and enhance the performance of the query. Also tries to reorganize all pages of clustered and non-clustered indexes which are available at leaf-level.


DBCC INDEXDEFRAG('<DatabaseName>,<TableName>,<IndexName>')

DBCC INDEXDEFRAG('AdventureWorksDW2016','DimSalesTerritory','AK_SalesTerritory')


It reduces fragmentation & improves the performance of the TSQL queries.

It also minimizes IO operation.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

DBCC Commands in Microsoft SQL Server - DBA should know - Part - 1

DBCC Commands in SQL Server

SQL Server has so many DBCC commands which are available in documentation & a few DBCC commands are not in documents. DBAs should be aware of these DBCC commands to perform their daily tasks.

In this article, we'll try to explain & give in-depth knowledge about the DBCC commands, types of DBCC commands based on categories, etc.


DBCC stands for Database Console Commands. DBCC commands are very powerful tools that help database administrators to maintain and troubleshoot database performance, integrity, index maintenance, memory allocation management, and consistency.

Microsoft has grouped Database Console Commands in the below categories:

DBCC Category
Command category
Maintenance tasks on a database, index, or filegroup.
Miscellaneous tasks such as enabling trace flags or removing a DLL from memory.
Tasks that gather and display various types of information.
Validation operations on a database, table, index, catalog, filegroup, or allocation of database pages.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Install SQL Server 2019 on Linux

Install SQL Server 2019 on Linux


From SQL Server 2017, Microsoft has provided the option to install the SQL Server on Linux as well.

Why Choose SQL Server 2019 for Linux?

We can install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on a Linux environment & utilize the benefits of the Linux ecosystem. By installing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on Linux, we can use the power of RDBMS as well as the flexibility and open-source advantages of Linux.

SQL Server 2019 for Linux provides the facility to migrate SQL Server cross-platform smoothly, utilize enterprise-grade features, intelligent query processing, enhanced security, high availability, and support for big data clusters.

System Requirements

Before starting SQL Server installation, check whether the system meets the minimum requirements to run SQL Server 2019 or not. Now, SQL Server supports multiple distributions of Linux like Ubuntu 20.04 LTSRed Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 - 8.6 Server (RHEL), SUSE Enterprise Linux Server v15 (SP1 - SP3) (SLES),  and obliviously Docker Engine 1.8+ on Linux. The file system should be either XFS or EXT4.

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